A New Reality

“Relativity teaches us the connection be­tween the different descriptions of one and the same reality.â€â€“ Albert Einstein

Enterprises today operate in a new reality that is intensely competitive, rapidly changing, and increasingly uncertain that make business issues complex and difficult to address. Characterized by the ever-changing global marketplace and essential use of information technology, enterprises are challenged with shorter product life cycles, customer demands, and greater regulatory requirements, and emerging technologies.

If enterprises are to better capitalize on this new reality they cannot underestimate the importance of predicting and responding to an ever-changing business environment. By understanding how these changes in the business paradigm are re­lated and relevant an enterprise can address these shifts in a more proactive, rather than reactive way.

Because of continual, accelerating change enterprises are experiencing a shift in the workspace
  • Shift in the business world from a predominantly manufacturing-oriented, industrial-age economy to one that has become equally a service-oriented, information-age economy.
  • Customers are no longer uninformed and passive, but intelligent, sophisticated, ever-changing, and more demanding.
  • Shift from customer focus only to the engagement of every stakeholder.
Today enterprises are experiencing a change in what employees expect in the workplace
  • Given the opportunity to do what they do best and willing to take ownership of their careers.
  • Increasingly interested in having challenging, meaningful work.
  • More loyal to their profession than to the organization.
  • Less accommodating of traditional structures and authority.
  • Greater concern about maintaining their personal well-being and having a work-life balance.
Accelerating change demands that IT organizations no longer be responsive and adaptive, but proactive
  • Become a strategic asset and enabler of business and creator of organizational value.
  • Transition from a technology-based to services-based orientation.
  • Transition from having an internal technology view to an external business view.
  • Focus primarily as a value enabler that provides innovative solutions and quality services.

To address this new reality demands a more relational and integrative view of its basic elements and their underlying relevancies. The Strategically Enabled Enterprise (SEE) philosophy proposes an alternative approach to run the business, lead people, and manage technology. Defined as ‘Enterprise Relativity’ it is based on the premise that asserts:

The complexities and uncertainties within the enterprise do not exist from its structure, but the underlying relevancies and relationships and associated congruencies and contradictions.

The ultimate goal of Enterprise Relativity is to create sustainable synergy through transformational change that leads to a Strategically Enabled Enterprise, which is defined as:

An enterprise that possesses the attitude (willingness) and aptitude (ability) to relentlessly differentiate its workspace and distinguish its workplace to create an epicenter of sustainable synergy by being proactive and predictive in everything it does.

Through a balanced and holistic approach Enterprise Relativity provides a different way that addresses the relevancies, relationships, congruencies, and competing values that exist in every enterprise in an integrative way. A Strategically Enabled Enterprise is achieved through:

A proposed framework and methodology that offers an alternative means to create continual, transfor­mational change that results in sustainable synergy driven by a philosophy that fundamentally changes the way we view, assess, and manage the enterprise through a more comprehensive, cohesive model that uses a balanced, holistic approach.

A New Idea

In order to effectively address the complexities of an enterprise the enterprise needs a more comprehensive, cohesive way that uses a holistic, balanced approach. With the increasingly changing political, eco­nomic, social, and technological environment, leaders must equally manage the complex underly­ing relevancies and relationships that exist within the enterprise. Not just the structural elements of the workspace and workplace.

The essence of enterprise relativity is that individuals see the enterprise from different perspectives that cre­ate unique realities. It is about understanding those differences in the way individuals perceive and respond to that reality.

The ultimate goal of Enterprise Relativity is to create enterprise sustainable synergy through continual, transformational change while maintaining stability.

The premise behind Enterprise Relativity is about the enterprise taking a relative, rather than an isolational, approach toward the challenges that an enterprise experiences. It is critical to understand the key relevancies that exist within workspace (aptitude) and workplace (attitude) of the enterprise that through transformational change it can maintain its viability and vitality designated as V2.

The relevancies of the workspace and workplace can be described in the following general terms:

Workplace RelevanciesHaving the right people working in the right conditions under the right leadership performing the right roles at the right time working together in the right way using the right technology.
Workspace RelevanciesHaving the right vision driving the right strategy describing the right business model executing in the right way using the right technology.