A New Approach

Based on Enterprise Relativity and the SEE framework the Strategically Enabled Enterprise (SEE) methodology attempts to offer a more comprehensive, cohesive means to design and develop an enterprise that can continually transform itself in order to create sustainable synergy. The SEE methodology is based on the following two disciplines:

Organizational DesignBuilding enterprises of the future that encompass the ongoing development of a role-based workspace and behavioral-based workplace.
Enterprise ArchitectureThe discipline of enterprise architecture that extends beyond the traditional business and IT alignment. The SEE framework implies that equal focus and attention be given to the organizational aspect of the enterprise.

Combining the disciplines of organizational design and enterprise architecture, the SEE methodology attempts to create enterprise synergy through transformational change while it maintains structural stability. An enterprise accomplishes this through the primary phases of scan, sense, and seize to gain actionable insights and provide manageable recommen­dations in order to achieve measurable results.

  • Scan the enterprise’s external and internal influencers systematically to initiate the transformational change.
  • Sense the enterprise’s workspace (aptitude) and workplace (attitude) to gain actionable insights and continue the transformational change with innovative and invested recommendations.
  • Seize through business rationalization, organizational development, and technology investment with measurable results of a differentiated workspace and distinguished workplace accomplished through continual improvement.

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.