Integrated Approach

Enterprise Relativity is based on the premise that everything in the enterprise is connected. What happens in one part of the enterprise impacts another, whether directly or indirectly and substantially or marginally. To drive transformation change requires that we understand. Without it sustainable synergy troughout the enterprise is not psosbile.

The challenges that the business, organizational, and technology architectures bring to the enterprise means they cannot be dealt with in a separate, isolated way, but must be given equal focus and attention. They must be addresed concurrently when aligning business with people and technology and people with business and technology.

A yellow ball is in the middle of a network.
  • Address the challenges of the enterprise in a balanced, holistic way.
  • Take a more comprehensive, cohesive approach to the enterprise challenges.
  • Manage the enterprise challenges at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels.
  • See the business, organizational, and technology as separate architectures, but equal in importance.