Strategic Talent Fit

“People are not your most important resource, the right people are” – Jim Collins, Good to Great

Talent fit entails orientating the individual in their role and assimilating them into the workplace. How well an individual fits within the organization’s environment, their role, and the relationships they have with their colleagues and leaders plays into their level of performance.


Individual fit within the organization
The degree of fit between an individual’s characteristics and the working environment (culture and workplace climate) of the organization that leads to being personally fulfilled. This identifies, develops, and measures the individual’s qualities that are appropriate and needed for them to meet the organization’s objectives.


Individual fit within their role
The degree of fit between an individual’s qualities and the requirements of a particular role that leads to being professionally rewarded. This identifies, develops, and measures the individual’s potential through their skills, knowledge, and strengths.


Individual fit within the organization
he degree of fit between and individual and the colleagues they work with closely and the leader or manager they report to that leads to being socially satisfied. This identifies, develops, and measures the individual’s ability to work with others in harmony.
Individual within thier role
The degree of fit between an individual’s qualities and the requirements of a particular role that leads to being professionally rewarded. This identifies, develops, and measures the individual’s potential through their skills, knowledge, and strengths.
Individual relationship with colleagues and leaders
The degree of fit between and individual and the colleagues they work with closely and the leader or manager they report to that leads to being socially satisfied. This identifies, develops, and measures the individual’s ability to work with others in harmony.

Predictive Talent Fit

Research has shown that there are factors that can relatively predict the performance of an individual. These include intelligence, personality, competencies, and experience. However, these do not account for 100% of an individual’s performance. There remains other factors that may account for performance.

My ability to comprehend
Intelligence is one of the primary factors in determining an individual’s ability to perform at their optimal level.
Who I am
Personality is comprised of your temperament and character, It is the cogntivie prefeences, behavioral tendencies, and interpersonal styles.
What I can do
The competencies and skills an individual have acquired and knowledge and experience they possess.
What I have done
What an individual has experienced in life and at work.
Other Factors
Other Factors
What I do not know
There remains other factors that account for the performance of an inivdual.
A woman with long blonde hair smiling for the camera.
Rebecca Loker
Executive Consultant
Rebecca possesses over 30 years of experience in leading business and IT organizations and directing strategic initiatives for global organizations in healthcare, financial services, and industrial manufacturing. Through his diverse background, he brings a more comprehensive and cohesive perspective to the business, organizational, and technology issues that enterprises have to address today. Rebecca focuses on transformational change and sustainable growth that leads to actionable insights, manageable recommendations, and measurable results. He takes a holistic, balanced approach and offers unique, yet practical solutions.

Mr. Mack holds MBAs in Leadership and Finance from Grand Canyon University.

Talent FitWorkplace FactorsDriving NeedsKey DescriptorsAssessment
SuitabilityOrganizational Emotionally FulfillingSignificance, Worthwhile, and MeaningfulHow do you feel about this?
CapabilityRoleProfessionally RewardingChallenging, Stimulating, and interesting What do you think about this?
CompatibilityPeopleSocially SatisfyingMotivating, Inspiring, and CaptivatingWho do relate to about this?